Trusculpt Flex

Give Your Hard-To-Treat Fat a Harder Time

Bare Lazer Aesthetics offers you Trusculpt Flex in Las Vegas to help you shape your muscles and tone your body. Sometimes sticking to a hard fitness plan and watching what you eat does not help you in achieving the look you strive for. The stubborn fat refuses to leave your side and melt away. Trusculpt helps in giving the hard-to-treat fat a harder time and force them off your body!
You get a toned body that offers a firm, strengthened, and sculpted body through a personalized device adjusted to meet your body goals.

How TruSculpt Flex Works?

The Trusculpt flex is an incredible body shaping device that is regarded as the fastest and proven way to build muscle mass. The device uses Multi-Directional Stimulation (MDS) technology to replicate motions that build mass, such as crunches and squats. It thus helps in building a muscled body that is devoid of fat. Tursculpt flex is the best way to achieve the curves you want to look and feel your best.
The process is:

• Safe with consistent results
• A non-invasive process that doesn’t includes stitches or incisions
• A customized process that matches the body requirements of a patient
• Very effective

Trusculpt removes fat from unwanted body parts and shapes your body to give it a chiseled look you always wanted!